USS Medea NCC-74796
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Couple of Things

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2020 @ 10:41pm by Captain Christine Applegate

Okay guys, couple things happened today.

Those in the Discord might realize that we lost Stuart/Amelix. I won't go into the what happened, but we are now down a chief science officer. That will be sorted out later.

However, thank you Stuart for showing us Amelix while she was on board.

Mission 3 is done and closed, with the last posts going up shortly before I closed it.

The timeline mod is updated, so please use the link in the mission notes and in the rules section to pick the day of the year. I'll update the group post to put the right one in there later.

There is another tiny announcement coming that needed to be separate because it doesn't have to do with all this stuff, I'll post that right after this one.



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