USS Medea NCC-74796
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Burns and Gossip

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2020 @ 6:53pm by Captain Christine Applegate & Lieutenant Commander Zayn Satu M.D.

Mission: Mission 4: Strange Happenings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2389 216 at 0715

Christine had interesting night. But when she'd woken up early and tried to get all the sticky things out of her hair, she ended up with the same issue many others did: malfunctioning sonic shower. She managed to switch her shower to water which ended up being ice cold, but naturally she got burned on her arm as she wen to do the switch. Luckily, it was just her arm but it hurt like hell.

So, putting her hair into a long braid, she put all but her uniform jacket on and made her way to sickbay, carrying two coffees. Stepping inside, she wasn't even sure if Satu was there yet, but hoped.

Yawning as she sat down at her desk, a fresh scone in hand, but no coffee since the replicator was still not playing nice with that, Satu looked like she'd had a rough night. But, she was still her chipper self. "Hey Cap," she said cheekily when the doors swishing open made her look up in time to see Tine stepping through. "What's... ooooh... coffee... please say one of those is for me?"

"Of course for you, Satu. Besides," Tine said as she put the coffee on Satu's desk once she got to the office, "I'm actually here for a reason. I got hit by the malfunctioning sonic showers."

"Not you too? I swear! Everyone but me has had an issue! Where's the burn?" Satu asked, taking the coffee and sipping it. She then placed it back on her desk and moved around to examine what she could see of Tine. Tsking when she found the burned arm. "OK, that's not too bad, won't take too much to fix you up, stay here, lemme grab the dermal regenerator and burn gel." She walked a few feet away, then turned back. "And don't eat my scone," she said teasingly as she set off again.

Taking a sip of her own coffee and sitting on the edge of Satu's desk, Tine tossed her uniform jacket on one of the chairs. "Yes, me too. Only got hit long enough to switch my shower from sonic to water, which was then ice cold. But, at least I got a shower." She then eyed the scone. "I won't eat it...but it looks good."

"I can try to get you one, but the replicators seem to hate me. Every time I go to order a scone, it gives me the wrong flavour, or something completely different," Satu sighed as she returned with the required items. She set the gel down on her desk and lifted Tine's arm gently so she could begin repairing the damage. "You're lucky it's a small burn, should only take one treatment. Some have taken three or four," she frowned.

"No, it's alright. I can find some breakfast later. Besides, I usually do just coffee in the morning as it is." Tine watched Satu work. "Do I even want to know how many people have been coming in with burns, Satu?"

"Not as many as it seems. But still more than typical. I mean, normally I only have careless engineers who touched something they shouldn't have. Or kitchen workers who forgot the burner was on," Satu said, finishing with the regenerator and reexamined the spot on her arm. "Looks good, don't even need the gel," she carefully released Tine's arm so that it didn't fall and stepped back. "Anything else I can do for you or you wanna hang out for a bit?"

She sat down again and picked up the coffee, taking a long, slow drink and sighing happily. "Oh man, I needed this..." She then picked up her scone and broke it in half. "I'll share my scone!"

Smirking, Christine took the offered scone half. "Thank you. And I figured you needed to coffee as much as I did. Early mornings and all that. I had hoped a shower would wake me up, but an ice cold one after I switched it to water...didn't help."

"Yeah, I feel like something weird is going on. Did Ian pull a prank and it went wrong?" She asked as she plucked a smaller piece off her half of the scone and dipped it in her coffee. "Not that I'm blaming him for anything, I'm just asking if some weird accident happened with one of his pranks."

"No, we got caught up in our own malfunctioning holo..." Tine bit her lip and looked at Satu. "Err...I mean..."

Interest piqued more by Tine biting her lip than the comment, Satu sat up a bit straighter. "Really now? What happened? Did you tell him how you feel? Did you kiss him?" She giggled.

"Hey now!" Christine sighed, knowing she wasn't getting away with this. "He knew, and the holodeck somehow knew how we felt and...yes we did. Okay?"

Satu cheered and pumped her fist. "I told you it would work out! No more kissing and telling," she giggled and picked up her almost forgotten coffee again. "I'm just happy that you and Ian can find happiness together! You make a cute couple!"

Giving a small eye roll and taking a sip of her coffee, Tine watched Satu for a moment. "What about you and Baktosh? Did you tell him anything yet? And...the thing with Ian and I? Keep that quiet, yeah?"

She mimed zipping her lips, locking them, and throwing away the key. Then she grinned at Tine. "My lips are sealed! But no, I didn't talk to Baktosh yet. I haven't had the chance. It's been weirdly busy for both of us," she chewed her lip thoughtfully. "I will though, when I get the chance..."

"Well, you better get the chance," Tine said with a smile. "But, I think we need to figure out what is causing all these issues before much else. I just wish we had any hints or...anything at all."

"I dunno... I just know that randomly, the replicators stopped giving me what I wanted." Satu finished off her coffee and the last of her half of the scone, then tilted her head. "And other weird stuff started happening around the ship. It was odd... I mean, did we run into some sort of anomaly that messed with the computers? Or was something new brought on board?"

The captain shook her head, "I don't know if anything came on board while I was a toddler. And I think we locked down everything else that's come on board since we launched."

Nodding, Satu sat back in her chair and pulled her knees up, resting them against the edge of her desk. "I'm sure the engineers will figure it out! They're good at that sort of thing. They're like ship doctors. They know the anatomy of a ship just as well as I know the anatomy of people."

"That is very true." Christine finished her coffee, though wasn't sure if she dared try to replicate a new cup for the bridge. "I probably need to get to the bridge though."

"Ehn... it's not like you're the Captain or anything... why would they need you up there?" Satu teased. She then waved Tine off. "Go on, get going! Make a slight detour for the mess to get some fresh coffee, don't trust the replicators!"

"You read my mind, Satu. Catch up with you later." Tine picked up her cup from her own coffee and headed out to the mess first so she would have coffee for the bridge.


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