USS Medea NCC-74796
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Personal Favours

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2020 @ 2:49pm by Lieutenant Baktosh Redclaw & Captain Christine Applegate

Mission: Mission 4: Strange Happenings
Location: Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: 2389 227 at 1150

Lieutenant Baktosh Redclaw was looking forward to their return to the Starbase. The crew of the Medea had been working hard, and they all deserved some leave. And while Baktosh deserved it no more or less than others, he was the one with a specific request. So here he stood, outside the Captain’s Ready Room, chiming the door.

The captain was going over this, that, and the other, spread all over her desk in PADDs. When the chime went off at her door, she was glad for the distraction. "Come in."

In stepped the Chief of Security. He stood with his front paws behind his back and while he tried to look his Captain in the eye, the messy desk in his peripheral vision was distracting. “ are aware that PADDs can display multiple documents, correct? If crew are leaving separate PADDs on your desk...I can put the fear of the gods into them to be more responsible for you? Send them electronically instead of leaving their devices for you to manage unnecessarily?”

"Baktosh! Please come in and have a seat." She smirked at his comment about the PADDs. "Oh, this is my doing. I know all of that but sometimes? Can't drop the scientist in me, keeping thins separated so I know what is what instead of searching for it in on one file. Plus, easier to compare things if I need to." She shrugged, "At least for me. Now, would you like a drink or anything?"

He took the offered seat. “Water would be nice, Captain. I’ve been active all day. I wanted to make a request. It has to do with our upcoming leave at the Starbase.”

Ordering coffee and water, Christine went back over and slid the water to Baktosh. "Of course. What request is that?"

“Thank you,” he said, taking the water. “I understand that you’re giving us actual time off while docked. I would like three specific days, but also I would be grateful if you could sign the requisition I sent you just before knocking.” Rather than leave yet another PADD on her desk, he had arranged for it to be sent to her computer terminal.

Before she could bring it up, he explained. “There is a courier transport traveling from Earth to the wormhole in two days. There is a pair of berths available. This requisition would set them aside for my family. My wife and children are free and I would very much like to see them at the base,

Christine smiled. "I have no problems with that at all. I just hope we don't get stuck on another mission. Though, if so, we can request that they still be allowed on the station until we get there."

"I appreciate that very much," he answered. "It has been too long since I've seen any of them, and this shore leave overlaps very well with summer breaks at schools and for the government." He took another sip of his water. "Do you have any plans for the leave time, Captain?"

"Meetings upon meetings upon meetings, maybe talk with my family. Honestly? Leave isn't much fun for captains."

“That’s a shame. Surely there’s some R&R for you though? I understand the Starbase has a spa, and I’ve heard it’s quite good. I was debating having my claws cleaned and sharpened there, and a massage for sore muscles is always in order.”

The captain shrugged slightly, "Depends on what happens between now and then. So far, I'm booked for all kinds of meetings but then again, this is my first command so...not unexpected."

Something in the Chief of Security's mind clicked as the Captain spoke of her first command. "Captain, if I were to one day want my own you think I would be a good fit? I think it's something I'd want for myself someday."

Surprised by the question, Christine sat back in thought. "It takes a lot to command others as a captain of a ship. It tests you in ways you never thought possible. If you want a few bridge shifts to test out how it feels, we can arrange that."

“I would like that, thank you,” he said. “Aside from leading the department, I have not had much command experience, and at minimum even if I never seek my own ship, that experience will help me here.”

"Then we'll get you on the rotation. Besides, I'm sure the crew would like to see others in charge sometimes. Plus, it takes it off my plate every once in a while." The captain couldn't help but grin.

“Speaking of plates,” Baktosh said, changing the subject with a smile, “I’m going to take lunch while my station is being covered. Thank you for your help today, Captain.” He stood and brought his empty water glass to the replicator for recycling.

"Go on, I should eat as well. And we'll work on what we discussed, Baktosh, don't worry. Enjoy your lunch."

With that, the Chief of Security took his leave of his Captain, confident that he would gain new experiences and have a fantastic shore leave with those he loved.


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